Turning 20 in 2020!

Swati Tripathi
4 min readJul 13, 2020


Celebrating 20th birthday and preparing for life post-COVID-19.

Image Credits: https://www.birthdaywishes.expert.com

Do you feel birthday is just another normal day and celebrating it during Corona is just as normal as in previous years? Well, this article brings another perspective that birthday, indeed, is an important day and especially if you have recently turned 20 in this year of pandemic.

Why 20th birthday is important?

Birthday symbolizes the beginning of a new life. This is the day you were born. Every year this day tells us that we have completed another year of our life. We have added another year of experience in our bucket of memories. Some people celebrate this day with lavish parties and excitement while others treat it as a normal plain day.

Though our lives may seem like a long busy journey even then we must take our birthdays as bus stops where we must rest, reflect and ask ourselves, are we really living a life of our dreams right now or that day still seems far away?

Answering that question will bring us more clarity to what we want. Birthday is a perfect day to ponder and think about our past that we have so far lived and make plans for a brighter future. Though each birthday is important there is something special about turning 20 years old.

Turning 20 years means that you have completed your teenhood and now you are officially an adult. You are now in your era of the ’20s. Congratulations!! Two decades of your life has passed and now the most important decade that is between 20 to 30 years of your life is going to start.

This is can be the most arduous yet memorable phase of one’s life. Why? Well, this is the time when most people graduate from college and start establishing themselves by finding a job, a home and a life partner. During this age, we get out of the comfort zone that our school has provided us and start to taste the real world. The most important events in our lives are experienced when we are between the age of 20 to 30 years old. We finally become or start to become independent by this time. Being in the age of ’20s is not less than a privilege. If anyone rebels against this stance then ask the adults and the olds who are dying to become young again.

Celebrating 20th birthday in the era of corona?

For all those who have turned 20 in the year 2020, you are experiencing a much more dramatic kickstart to this new phase of your life. The reason being is this year is not only the bye-bye year of your teenhood but it is the year of Corona as well.

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Corona has taught us well that life is uncertain. No matter how important our plans for life are we can’t control the uncertainties that our life throws at us. To all the people who are turning 20 this year, it’s an important lesson to learn and grow. To all the new-adults you have to be stronger and ready to accept whatever challenges you experience post-COVID.

We all know the facts that economies of countries have been hit hard and employment rates have dwindled. To deal with this situation, we have to plan smart and ensure that we don’t succumb to fear and doubts.

While this might sound gloomy to hear on a birthday but we must remember bad days doesn’t last for long. This pandemic will pass too but we can’t close our eyes and hence we must accept and prepare for a life that is going to begin. To all those who are in their 20’s you will soon be graduating from college and will start to find a job.

Therefore, it is important to learn skills that are need of the hour. Some of them which have been listed by Forbes are as follows:

  1. Adaptability and Flexibility
  2. Tech Savviness
  3. Creativity & Innovation
  4. Data Literacy
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Commit to a Lifetime of Learning
  7. Digital and Coding Skills
  8. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Preparing for the future is the only way to make it safe and secure. All the newbies who are going to come out of their teenhood this year let’s not be afraid of changing lifestyle and job opportunities out there. If you work hard according to what this market demands you are bound to success.

Image Credits: Jarofquotes.com

Now, let’s get started with a new beginning and whatever your age be make your birthday a great reason to start fresh. Life should never be lived with regrets or in fear. If you have any do something about it or just let it go. Look up towards the sky which still gets bright even with a single ray of light. Just don’t keep dwelling about what you couldn’t do in past instead your focus should always be what you could do now.

May your life be full of happiness :)

Thanks for reading this far!



Swati Tripathi

I believe everyone should hustle hard to make a positive impact!